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Friday, May 14, 2010

Oh, So... Tired!

Man, this week has been rough.  It's been busy at work, and then I get home to piles and piles of laundry (with only 2 loads done so far :-(

I have been working on the newsletter -- May is National Better Sleep Month, so that will be this month's theme.  I'm really feeling the effects of not having gotten consistent sleep recently.  It really does make such a difference, and the research I've been doing for the newsletter has been eye-opening (would it have been better if it were sleep-inducing?! LOL)

Ok, I know, not so funny, but it is Friday morning, so all is good!

The thought I will leave you with today is photography.  Do you have some amazing pictures of your rhinestone widgets?  If not, and believe me I know how challenging this is and am still working on it myself, this needs to be a priority item.  Potential customers want to see what your product really looks like, all the angles and sides, with details really showing up clearly.  One thing I haven't been able to do yet is get real people to wear my products and take pix, but that is really is important too.  There are a lot of tips available on the web to help you take the pictures yourself, or try contacting a local photography school to see if students would be willing to take pictures for you in exchange for $$ or maybe a special rhinestone widget of their own.

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