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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Etsy Hookers

Ah, there are so many "hooker" jokes amongst the crocheters, but hey, who am I to spoil the fun! Actually, it's a really nice group of Etsy shop owners who specialize in crochet, and I've decided it's time to get more active as I keep trying to figure out exactly what it is I want to be when I grow up :-)

I'm definitely starting to veer away from a crochet-centric approach and expanding into a more holistic view of life, leisure time, and business opportunities. We'll see where this adventure takes me, but for now, I'm just enjoying exploring and keeping my mind off of the media-fueled depressing news these days.

I will post more shortly, just as soon as I figure out exactly what it is that the 'Hookers' want me to do with my Flickr account!

Today's Thought: Our newsletter is about to make its debut! After all, March is National Crochet Month. If you'd like to subscribe, please just leave a comment to this post, and I will add you to the list! Thanks.

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